Every street has that one house that catches your eye as you pass by. Whether it be the lush grass, well-maintained shrubs, or perfectly placed pops of color, the benefits of landscape design go well beyond a neighbor’s admiration or great curb appeal. Effective design lets you get the most out of your yard by creating a comfortable, yet attractive lawn that has many benefits for both the homeowner and the environment.
Satisfaction Guaranteed
Happy yard = Happy life? Well, maybe not exactly but it certainly doesn’t hurt. Having a great landscape design, one that incorporates the entire property, including home, patio space, hardscape structures, and trees and plants, will provide comfort and satisfaction every time you step outside. Studies have shown that being in nature has many positive benefits. These include improved concentration and memory, stress reduction, and increased energy. All of which can contribute to an increased sense of well-being and satisfaction.
Raise the Roof
The benefits of landscape design extend beyond just making your property look good. Generally, a home’s curb appeal can actually increase the value of the home. Likewise, attractive and well-maintained landscaping is highly desirable on a home buyer’s wish list. Investing resources in quality landscaping can add lasting value for less money than traditional interior renovations.
Go Green with Landscape Design
In addition to increasing the aesthetics of your property, having a great design plan can benefit the local ecosystem. Incorporating healthy trees and plants into your landscaping can help clean the air and prevent soil erosion, thus impacting the natural habitat in a positive way. In addition, placing plants in the right place on your property will allow them to thrive. You can help the environment while accentuating your property with attractive greenery and color.
A Return to Nature
Effective landscape design should allow us to feel we are in nature while still maintaining all the conveniences of functional living. Your outdoor space can be a natural oasis for you and your family by preserving native flora around your home. Surrounding your home with sensible landscaping will offer the benefits of nature without the hassles that a day in the wilderness can bring.
Protect This House
A professional landscape design should provide privacy for your family. By incorporating certain landscape features landscaping can actually deter trespassers from coming onto your property and reduce visibility from the street. Walls, trees, and other design elements can provide privacy near doors, windows, and outdoor gathering spaces, protecting your property and providing you with a greater sense of security.
What Can a Walnut Ridge Professional Landscape Design Do For You?
With over 100 years of horticulture experience, Walnut Ridge is leading the way in artful landscape design. Services include Commercial & Residential Landscape Design & Install, Hardscape Design, Mowing & Maintenance, and Outdoor Living Spaces. For a free consultation, please contact us at 812-289-6380.